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Infinite Information

To begin my research I wanted to go straight to some of the experts in astrophysics. I watched a documentary from 1988 called God, the Universe, and Everything. This documentary is a bit dated, but it is a great place to start because of the experts, like Carl Sagan, Stephen Hawking, and Arthur C.Clarke, a famous science fiction writer, on the documentary. I also enjoy the fact that it is dated because I get to here from Carl Sagan specifically when he was still alive before he passed away in 1996. That was really awesome because I had only read about his work before, and I had never really heard his actual voice. This is the same with Stephen Hawking whom I had never heard talk using his computer, and it was very interesting to see how he had certain words and sentences stored in his computer that he could use to have conversation. The hour long conversation the host had with Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan, and Arthur C. Clarke touched many topics like extraterrestrial life, black holes, the mandelbrot set, God, the Big Bang, and the future of the human species. These topics hold many of the big questions in the science of astrophysics and and space science.

God, the Universe, and Everything

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