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Love Is All You Need

So, of course, there is a hell of a long way to go, but one possibility in human skill is going to take us there, and that is the possibility of humans being able to work together and feel love for each other. That is a skill that only humans really have on planet earth. At this point we are comparable to packs of wolves that fight for territory and do not get along. However, through love and understanding, which all humans are capable of doing, the Sombrero Galaxy, Galaxy NGC 1300, and the Carina Nebula can all be explored because human beings can work to common goals. Though these goals, if they ever come about, will come long into the future because we still do not know how to take care of our own home, which is puny compared to that of the entire universe. Just as Hawking and Wilde’s love for each other kept them together through rough times the love that people are capable of exhibiting for humanity as whole will help change the world. All in all, love is the most powerful thing in the world because when people have a love for something or somebody then they truly care about that thing and they will do whatever it takes to make it and to survive. They will do whatever it takes to help what they love because there is a passion and care involved. I think people and humanity need to have this love for the unknown and be the pioneers that humans were meant to be.


We Are A Whole

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