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Reason. USE IT!

In my last move, I discussed my experience at the Neil Degrasse Tyson presentation where he talked a lot about how science and mathematics are losing popularity and passion especially in the United States. That topic is something that I find very interesting because it is weird to me why people would not find science and discoveries fascinating. Maybe it is because I am so interested in things like that, but still I find it ridiculous when people do not appreciate or even acknowledge scientific discoveries. For this move, I read a National Geographic with a cover that was titled The War On Science. The article talked about what it called the “age of disbelief” when many people these days, especially through collaborations on the Internet, are doubting science and bulking up conspiracies. Some of the examples were the validity of the moon landings, the validity of climate change, and vaccinations having a direct hand in people obtaining autism. I believe that this is one of the reasons why the United States is falling behind in the science and technology world because for some reason people do not trust scientists. This is a huge problem, because if human beings want to progress and move forward in the world for the future it is going to be because of science. The progress of humanity has always been through science and developing new technologies such as the wheel or the refrigerator. Those inventions totally changed the way things work in human society, and they changed them in a positive way. Many of the people that have problems with science are conspiracy theorists and religious people. Especially when it comes to religious people, there has always been the battle between religion and science because what is learned through science overrules certain things that were said to be true in the Bible, for example. This whole article really takes into account a whole number of human beings that do not have a respect for science and the scientific method that has developed the human species for centuries and more.

Bill Nye vs Ken Ham Debate

Are Science and Religion Compatible?

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