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General Relativity Blows The Mind

The book I am using for this next move is called Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein’s Outrageous Legacy by physicist Kip S. Thorne. When I first came onto the book I was expecting that I would understand most everything perfectly well, but it turned out the book was a bit more advanced than I thought. Do not get me wrong this book is still in laymans terms, but for me at least it was a struggle to wrap my head around some of the components of relativity. I first learned about Kip thorne when I was reading about the new Christopher Nolan movie Interstellar starring Matthew Mcconaughey. In the making of the film  Kip Thorne was hired to to make sure all of the science that is portrayed in the movie is in fact plausible and theoretically correct. Through the help of Thorne in the special effects department the movie has created what is probably the best guess at what a blackhole and what a wormhole would look like. The movie has a lot to do with relativity and the fact of time dilation when the astronauts in the movie come very close to the high gravity of a black hole. I wrote about relativity and time dilation in my previous move, and I feel that is what really drove me to explore it more. However, even after reading two chapters in this book about relativity I am still at trouble specifically thinking about the fabric of space-time and how gravity warps space. But I do feel much more comfortable now with the warping of time and how time dilation works with gravity.


Time Travel With Kip Thorne

The Warping of Space

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